Santa Fe’s 2024 Calendar of Major Events

Please consult webpages of events for up-to-date information about scheduling.

Pueblo Feast Days and DancesCheck for dates
2023 Art + Sol Winter Arts Feb. 9-19
Santa Fe Film FestivalFeb. 1-11
Santa Fe Restaurant WeekFeb. 19-29
Pro Musica Spring Orchestra ConcertCheck website for dates
The Santa Fe SymphonyCheck for dates
Santa Fe Independent Film FestivalApril 25-28
Santa Fe CenturyMay 17-19
Spring and Fiber FestivalJune 1st
Santa Fe Herb & Lavender FestivalJune 1-2
Currents New Media FestivalJune 14-23
Santa Fe BandstandJune 1 – August 31
Rodeo de Santa FeJune 19-22
Santa Fe Opera SeasonJune 28-Aug. 24
PRIDE ParadeJune 29
The 30th Annual Santa Fe Wine FestivalJuly 6-7
Santa Fe International Folk Art MarketJuly 11-14
Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalJuly 14-Aug. 19
Traditional Spanish MarketJuly 27-28
Contemporary Hispanic MarketJuly 27-28
Santa Fe Indian MarketAugust 17-18
Santa Fe Fiestas Fine Art & Crafts MarketAugust 31-Sept.2
ZozobraAugust 30
Fiestas de Santa FeAugust 31 – Sept 8
Santa Fe Studio Tour21-22 and 28-29
Eldorado Studio TourSept. 21-22
Santa Fe Wine & Chile FiestaSept. 25-29
The 29th Annual Santa Fe Wine FestivalSept. 25-29
Albuquerque International Balloon FiestaOct. 5-13
Harvest FestivalOct. 6
Santa Fe Indigenous Peoples CelebrationOct. 14
Recycle Santa Fe Art FestivalNov. 8-10
Christmas Tree Lighting on the PlazaNov. 29 (check the website)
Ski Santa Fe OpeningTentative Nov. 28
Winter Spanish MarketCheck for dates
Winter Indian MarketCheck for dates
Christmas at the PalaceCheck for dates
Las PosadasCheck for dates
Christmas Eve Canyon Road Farolito WalkDec. 24
City Different New Year’s Eve on the PlazaDec. 31
Canyon Road
Margarita Trail
Meow Wolf
Santa Fe Artist in Residence
Santa Fe Farmers Market
Santa Fe Railyard
Santa Fe Symphony

For full list of events and information, go to